Statement of Purpose
Grace Homecare is a registered provider of care services for the elderly.
We provide temporary and permanent staff on a bespoke basis.
Our aim is to provide excellence in the delivery of care services, enabling its clients to maintain or improve their independence, giving them a better quality of life.
The company is based in Meanwood. The company structure, headed by the managing director, provides staff dedicated to :
Human Resources
Recruitment, DBS processing, training and personal development.
Service Management : responsive to the needs of clients and challenges of day to day service delivery
Quality Assurance : ensuring compliance to standards and continuous improvement.
Information and Technology – providing excellent communications and data protection.
Finance : providing fast and efficient production of invoices, payments and accounts.
Our management team are experienced and qualified in their area of work, providing a professional and caring approach to both our customers and staff.
The staff at Grace Homecare are our biggest asset and it is only through recruiting the right staff, training them comprehensively, being responsive to their work needs, enabling them to feel job satisfaction and valued, that we know we can deliver the best service possible to our customers.
Grace Homecare do not currently provide nursing care or therapeutic techniques within a clients home. However, we are happy to support customers to access the full range of professional medical, psychological and therapeutic assistance provided by qualified and approved professionals of their choice within the community.
Our aim is to provide a consistent, high quality service. It is our priority to do this.
We want this to be delivered by trained and competent staff who will ensure our clients that they will
Remain independent in their homes
Re-learn their life skills
Retain or maintain
Lead fulfilling lives
For each client to have a comprehensive Care Plan which they have created with us, to ensure that all their needs have been identified and thus enable us to provide the most appropriate type and level of support required.
To support and encourage all our clients to take or retain control of their lives by involving them in the management of their care so they are able to reach their optimum state of health and well being.
To provide support for client's carers, through assistance and temporary cover whilst the carer maybe has a break and takes time for themselves.
To work in a partnership with health care professionals so that our clients receive a seamless synchronized service.
To empower, enable and assist in the rehabilitation of clients being discharged from hospital.
To provide a consistent, reliable service in which clients know and trust their carers and can rely on the continuity of care.
To provide a sensitive, caring and professional palliative care service to those clients nearing the end of their life. It is very important to Grace Homecare that we do this.
The philosophy of care at Grace Homecare is founded on the intention to provide the highest practicable standard of person centred care based on the following principles :
Our service is welcoming and supportive, ensuring clients feel comfortable, relaxed and assured of out concern for their welfare.
Our carers endeavour to help clients maintain their independence and enable them to achieve realistic goals.
Our clients are cared for by appropriately trained staff.
Care will be carried out to meet individual's needs : these will be reviewed and reassessed regularly.
Provide a friendly professional service, employing carers who are carefully selected to offer a level of care, dedication and commitment.
We will work towards meeting the Department of Health's ten Dignity in Care standards :
1.Have a zero tolerance of all forms of abuse
2. Support people with the same respect you would want for yourself or a member of your family.
3.Treat each person as an individual by offering a personalized service.
4. Enable people to maintain the maximum possible level of independence , choice and control.
5. Listen and support people to express their needs and wants.
6. Respect people's right to privacy.
7. Ensure people feel able to complain without fear or retribution.
8. Engage with family members and carers as care partners.
9. Assist people to maintain confidence and a positive self esteem.
10. Act to alleviate people's loneliness and isolation.
Grace Homecare is a registered provider of care services for the elderly.
We provide temporary and permanent staff on a bespoke basis.
Our aim is to provide excellence in the delivery of care services, enabling its clients to maintain or improve their independence, giving them a better quality of life.
The company is based in Meanwood. The company structure, headed by the managing director, provides staff dedicated to :
Human Resources
Recruitment, DBS processing, training and personal development.
Service Management : responsive to the needs of clients and challenges of day to day service delivery
Quality Assurance : ensuring compliance to standards and continuous improvement.
Information and Technology – providing excellent communications and data protection.
Finance : providing fast and efficient production of invoices, payments and accounts.
Our management team are experienced and qualified in their area of work, providing a professional and caring approach to both our customers and staff.
The staff at Grace Homecare are our biggest asset and it is only through recruiting the right staff, training them comprehensively, being responsive to their work needs, enabling them to feel job satisfaction and valued, that we know we can deliver the best service possible to our customers.
Grace Homecare do not currently provide nursing care or therapeutic techniques within a clients home. However, we are happy to support customers to access the full range of professional medical, psychological and therapeutic assistance provided by qualified and approved professionals of their choice within the community.
Our aim is to provide a consistent, high quality service. It is our priority to do this.
We want this to be delivered by trained and competent staff who will ensure our clients that they will
Remain independent in their homes
Re-learn their life skills
Retain or maintain
Lead fulfilling lives
For each client to have a comprehensive Care Plan which they have created with us, to ensure that all their needs have been identified and thus enable us to provide the most appropriate type and level of support required.
To support and encourage all our clients to take or retain control of their lives by involving them in the management of their care so they are able to reach their optimum state of health and well being.
To provide support for client's carers, through assistance and temporary cover whilst the carer maybe has a break and takes time for themselves.
To work in a partnership with health care professionals so that our clients receive a seamless synchronized service.
To empower, enable and assist in the rehabilitation of clients being discharged from hospital.
To provide a consistent, reliable service in which clients know and trust their carers and can rely on the continuity of care.
To provide a sensitive, caring and professional palliative care service to those clients nearing the end of their life. It is very important to Grace Homecare that we do this.
The philosophy of care at Grace Homecare is founded on the intention to provide the highest practicable standard of person centred care based on the following principles :
Our service is welcoming and supportive, ensuring clients feel comfortable, relaxed and assured of out concern for their welfare.
Our carers endeavour to help clients maintain their independence and enable them to achieve realistic goals.
Our clients are cared for by appropriately trained staff.
Care will be carried out to meet individual's needs : these will be reviewed and reassessed regularly.
Provide a friendly professional service, employing carers who are carefully selected to offer a level of care, dedication and commitment.
We will work towards meeting the Department of Health's ten Dignity in Care standards :
1.Have a zero tolerance of all forms of abuse
2. Support people with the same respect you would want for yourself or a member of your family.
3.Treat each person as an individual by offering a personalized service.
4. Enable people to maintain the maximum possible level of independence , choice and control.
5. Listen and support people to express their needs and wants.
6. Respect people's right to privacy.
7. Ensure people feel able to complain without fear or retribution.
8. Engage with family members and carers as care partners.
9. Assist people to maintain confidence and a positive self esteem.
10. Act to alleviate people's loneliness and isolation.